

静安区汶水路 299 弄 9-10 号
上海, 200072, 中国

+86 21 6631 2666



倍福紧凑型驱动技术产品系列(最高直流电压 48 V)中新推出的 ASI8100 驱控一体步进电机将步进电机、步进电机输出级和现场总线接口结合于一体,外观十分小巧。欢迎观看视频,了解如何使用 ASI8100 实现无控制柜控制解决方案。


ASI8111 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.29 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

ASI8111 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.29 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

The integrated ASI8111 stepper motor drive combines stepper motor, output stage and fieldbus connection in a space-saving design in the voltage range of up to 48 V DC. It is suitable for all motion requirements in the power range up to 250 W. The standstill torque of the motor is 0.29 Nm. The integrated stepper motor drive with flange code N1 (42 mm) and motor length 1 has a stepper motor typical shaft diameter b = 5 mm with a flat and a free shaft end of d = 24 mm.

ASI8114 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.80 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

ASI8114 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.80 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

The integrated ASI8114 stepper motor drive combines stepper motor, output stage and fieldbus connection in a space-saving design in the voltage range of up to 48 V DC. It is suitable for all motion requirements in the power range up to 250 W. The standstill torque of the motor is 0.80 Nm. The integrated stepper motor drive with flange code N1 (42 mm) and motor length 4 has a stepper motor typical shaft diameter b = 5 mm with a flat and a free shaft end of d = 24 mm.

ASI8121 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.75 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8121 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.75 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

The integrated ASI8121 stepper motor drive combines stepper motor, output stage and fieldbus connection in a space-saving design in the voltage range of up to 48 V DC. It is suitable for all motion requirements in the power range up to 250 W. The standstill torque of the motor is 0.75 Nm. The integrated stepper motor drive with flange code N2 (56 mm) and motor length 1 has a stepper motor typical shaft diameter b = 8 mm with a flat and a free shaft end of d = 20.6 mm.

ASI8122 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 1.40 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8122 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 1.40 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

The integrated ASI8122 stepper motor drive combines stepper motor, output stage and fieldbus connection in a space-saving design in the voltage range of up to 48 V DC. It is suitable for all motion requirements in the power range up to 250 W. The standstill torque of the motor is 1.40 Nm. The integrated stepper motor drive with flange code N2 (56 mm) and motor length 2 has a stepper motor typical shaft diameter b = 8 mm with a flat and a free shaft end of d = 20.6 mm.

ASI8123 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.35 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8123 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.35 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

The integrated ASI8123 stepper motor drive combines stepper motor, output stage and fieldbus connection in a space-saving design in the voltage range of up to 48 V DC. It is suitable for all motion requirements in the power range up to 250 W. The standstill torque of the motor is 2.35 Nm. The integrated stepper motor drive with flange code N2 (56 mm) and motor length 3 has a stepper motor typical shaft diameter b = 8 mm with a flat and a free shaft end of d = 20.6 mm.

ASI8124 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.50 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8124 | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.50 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

The integrated ASI8124 stepper motor drive combines stepper motor, output stage and fieldbus connection in a space-saving design in the voltage range of up to 48 V DC. It is suitable for all motion requirements in the power range up to 250 W. The standstill torque of the motor is 2.50 Nm. The integrated stepper motor drive with flange code N2 (56 mm) and motor length 4 has a stepper motor typical shaft diameter b = 8 mm with a flat and a free shaft end of d = 20.6 mm.

ASI8123-abcc-w3yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.35 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8123-abcc-w3yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.35 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8121-abcc-w2yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.75 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8121-abcc-w2yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.75 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8111-abcc-w1yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.29 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

ASI8111-abcc-w1yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.29 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

ASI8124-abcc-w6yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.50 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8124-abcc-w6yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 2.50 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8114-abcc-w1yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.80 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

ASI8114-abcc-w1yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 0.80 Nm (MH), N1 (NEMA17/42 mm)

ASI8122-abcc-w3yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 1.40 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)

ASI8122-abcc-w3yz | Compact integrated stepper motor drive 1.40 Nm (MH), N2 (NEMA23/56 mm)