
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

静安区汶水路 299 弄 9-10 号
上海, 200072, 中国

+86 21 6631 2666

TwinCAT 为所有常用的机器人运动控制提供软件支持

TwinCAT 运动学变换功能库

TwinCAT 助力大幅提升性能和系统精度

TwinCAT 运动学变换功能库将机器人控制器集成到标准自动化软件中,因此 PLC、运动控制、机器人技术都能够在同一台工业 PC 上执行。除了直角坐标运动、各种二维并联运动、和 3D Delta 运动之外,也可以提供六轴运动。所需的运动学功能可在 TwinCAT System Manager 中方便地选择和参数化。运动学通道被用来设置机器类型(例如 Delta 或 SCARA)、臂长和偏移量等参数。可为动态预控制指定质量和质量惯量。除此之外,这一 TwinCAT 软件库包含用于同步机器人与运动物体的跟踪功能,从而让它能够,例如从传输带或倾斜转盘上拾取工件。

使用 TwinCAT 运动学变换功能库可以简单、经济高效地实现各种并联和串联运动,如那些用于拾放任务的运动。机器人作为 EtherCAT 从站运行,与倍福控制器之间的通信基于 EtherCAT — 机器人行业的全球标准。将机器人运动学无缝集成到控制系统内不仅能够省去使用额外的机器人 CPU,还可以借助 PLC 和现有的运动控制功能实现高效交互和同步:直接连接取代了不同控制器和系统之间的复杂及无效通信。这样可以提高性能和系统精度。


TF5110 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L1

TF5110 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L1

Various robot types kinematics can be realized using TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation. The programming of the robot movements takes place in Cartesian coordinates using either DIN 66025 instructions or the PLCopen-compliant blocks from the PLC. An integrated dynamic pre-control ensures high precision of the movement even at high accelerations and speeds. Configuration takes place in TwinCAT 3 Engineering.

TF5111 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L2

TF5111 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L2

Extension of the TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation L1 with additional kinematics:

TF5112 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L3

TF5112 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L3

Extension of the TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation L1/L2 with additional kinematics:

TF5113 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L4

TF5113 | TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L4

Extension of the TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation L1/L2/L3 with additional kinematics:

TF5120 | TwinCAT 3 Robotics mxAutomation

TF5120 | TwinCAT 3 Robotics mxAutomation

TwinCAT 3 Robotics mxAutomation allows direct communication between the PLC and a KUKA robot control via a common interface. The robot movements can be programmed directly in the PLC, and the actual values of the robot can be synchronized in real time. TwinCAT 3 Robotics mxAutomation combines PLC control and robot on a single platform and enables programming from an existing system without knowledge of a specific robot programming language.

TF5130 | TwinCAT 3 Robotics uniVAL PLC

TF5130 | TwinCAT 3 Robotics uniVAL PLC

The TwinCAT 3 Robotics uniVAL PLC allows direct communication between the PLC and the robotics controller from Stäubli via a common interface. The robot's movements can be programmed directly in the PLC and compared with the robot's actual values in real-time. The TwinCAT 3 Robotics uniVAL PLC combines PLC control and robotics on a single platform and enables programming from a single system without having to know a special robot programming language.