
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

静安区汶水路 299 弄 9-10 号
上海, 200072, 中国

+86 21 6631 2666

May 9, 2016

EtherCAT P

Ultra fast communication and power in one cable

EtherCAT P integrates the EtherCAT Industrial Ethernet protocol and peripheral voltage into one cable. In addition, EtherCAT P enables the direct forwarding of a power supply via the devices. The combination of high-performance EtherCAT communication and the flexible, unrestricted network topology options make EtherCAT P the ideal bus system for sensors, actuators and measurement technology. With this One Cable Automation solution, material and assembly costs are reduced and installation space is minimised for drag chains and control cabinets, which can result in a smaller machine footprint.

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EPPxxxx | 工业级外壳

EPPxxxx | 工业级外壳

防护等级达 IP 67 的 EtherCAT P 端子盒:通信和动力集成在一根标准的四芯以太网电缆中

EtherCAT P

EtherCAT P

全新的单电缆解决方案 — 铺平了无控制柜的自动化之路。