Discover the basics of module engineering with the MTP toolchain. Laurids Beckhoff will guide you through the process of planning, developing and integrating modules into your modular system.

TF8400 | TwinCAT 3 MTP Runtime
An MTP (Module Type Package) is a communication interface between a higher-level control system (e.g. process control system) and a modular plant. The MTP describes the interface of visualization, provided services and other features of a module, so that a simple orchestration of the modules to form a complete plant can be done easily and quickly in the higher-level control system.

TF8401 | TwinCAT 3 MTP Engineering
An MTP (Module Type Package) is a communication interface between a higher-level control system (e.g. process control system) and a modular plant. The MTP describes the interface of visualization, provided services and other features of a module, so that a simple orchestration of the modules to form a complete plant can be done easily and quickly in the higher-level control system.

TF6100 | TwinCAT 3 OPC UA
OPC UA is a platform-independent, service-oriented communication architecture for reliable, secure and multisupplier data transport from the production level to the production planning and ERP system or to the cloud.

TF4100 | TwinCAT 3 Controller Toolbox
The TwinCAT Controller Toolbox covers all essential blocks for control applications. All blocks have the same appearance and almost the same properties. Simple parameterization via a structure and the same error handling for all blocks support the application.