
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

静安区汶水路 299 弄 9-10 号
上海, 200072, 中国

+86 21 6631 2666

Beckhoff Live + Interactive

Experience groundbreaking automation technology in our daily livestream

Beckhoff Live+Interactive

我们将在位于汉诺威 9 号馆的 1800 平方米的倍福展台上用中文播出融知识性和趣味性于一体的节目。之后观众可在我们的媒体中心点播所有早间节目。


Hannover Messe 2024, day 1: Beckhoff Live + Interactive, April 22, 2024

In Beckhoff Live + Interactive for Hannover Messe 2024, we will be summarizing the product highlights and news from all areas of the company on a daily basis. In this video, you can see Hans Beckhoff, company founder and Managing Director, discussing Beckhoff Automation's progress and milestones. Our experts will also present new products, such as industrial PCs with more CPU power or the deep integration of artificial intelligence in control and engineering functions with TwinCAT.